
Star Wars Rp Gmod


We are not affiliated with Facepunch, please don't ask things only the developers can do here.(which also apply to Discord)Interested in learning how to mod?Good! Modding is an easy and fun gateway into a wonderful world called programming you won't regret entering.If you're completely new to programming, head over to Khan Academy and take their awesome programming course:.If this isn't your first rodeo, but you need some help getting started with GLua specifically, here are some resources to get started:.A more complete and accurate list of rules may be found.Thanks to and for letting us use some css snippets of theirs. As most of us are aware by now, Star Wars RP has been limping sadly along at the end of a leash held by some of the most controlling, rude, egomaniac killjoys over the past two years now. The freedoms we grew to love with the Star Wars Galaxy servers are but fond memories now. It makes me long for the days when I was a Sub-admin for Hammerfall.For these new 'Serious RP' servers arises the problem of consistent community members. On average, the number of returning players outside a small group of donor VIP's and admins is either at a consistent low or is in steady decline.

Normally, this lack of consistent players is due to poor 'event' coordination, often leaving newspawns and entry level players out of the action, forcing them to watch as the cool kids get to have all the fun for time spanning up to an hour. It doesn't help that this absurdly long waiting period usually follows a monotonous 'training' period in which players must endure the ever so hated line drill practice and 'command structure' understanding.Now I understand why these servers exist. Kids love playing soldier, being a big-shot commander in charge of everything while never actually facing the frustrations of defeat or loss seen in the Star Wars RP servers of old.

I'd be lying if I myself was thrilled by the constant stream of asshole players taddling to an admin on how your base was 'too fortified,' leading to the admin deleting all of your props and said taddle-tailing jerk killing you, stealing all of your money, and taking over the space you had claimed. This problem was often made even worse by the sheer number of factions that existed at one time, with up to ten different groups all trying to take over Hoth at once.However, this does not grant 'serious RP' amnesty from its awful problems.

It is just as bad in its own right, if not worse. It is a classic story of one side having too much structure and the other being woefully lacking any structure at all. So to that point, I submit a plan for a happy medium; one where chaos and structure can coexist without total submission to one side or the other.The first step is to select a rather sizable map; one that is large enough to have two factions spawn at a large enough distance from one another. The best example would be the map gmempcyclopean. Said map is big, allowing both factions to have considerable space to duke it out. On top of this, it is large enough to accommodate vehicles and small fighter ships, allowing for a balance between ground and sky combat.Next come the factions. Your best option is to have only two, with VIP's having the choice between a neutral class with more unique weapons.

However, choose what gifts you give to your VIP's wisely. If you give them too much gear or too powerful of weapons, you're going to have some very angry players who feel cheated or too greatly overpowered.But I digress. Lets say you choose the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance for your factions. It's a good start, but what are your classes going to be? It is recommended that you limit both factions to four classes, five at the very most if you wish. Said classes should feed off of one another, with each one making up for the weakness of another.A good template for both factions' classes would be the standard soldier class, the heavy soldier class, the scout class, and the medic class.

Gmod star wars rp gamemode

The soldier class would be armed with a standard blaster rifle and secondary blaster pistol. The Heavy would be armed with a rocket launcher with the same secondary pistol and a few grenades. The Scout should be equipped with a heavy blaster pistol, binoculars, a ascension cables, and an active cloak device. Lastly, the Medic would need a short range shotgun blaster, a standard medkit, and a riot shield to aid in protecting injured players. If you wish, an engineer class can be added to aid in maintenance of vehicles.

Keep in mind that this is only an example class setup. You may think up a different variety of classes on your own. Just make sure that they are balanced.

Otherwise, you'll be flooded with numerous angry complaints from your players.' But how would players earn these classes?'

I hear you on that, but the answer is pretty easy. Utilize the level system found in most Dark RP servers. Set each new class ten to fifteen levels ahead of the one before it.

This will give players a goal to aspire to. Just be sure you set how much experience they get for playing and how many points they get for kills. Set experience rewards too high, a newspawn will have all classes unlocked in an hour.

Set them too low, and players will become frustrated on how long it takes to progress. You should also make certain shop purchases (vehicles, weapons, tools, etc.) available at certain levels as well so that classes aren't the only thing to work for.Next, and this is most important of all, eliminate the training and command structure. No one likes being bossed around or forced into line drills, especially when said person telling them to do so is another player. This breeds anger and resentment fast, and you'll likely lose 4/5 of your newspawns once they see the 'training area.' Let the players work off one another without having to be told to listen to one person.

They'll talk and work off one another more naturally, and even pick out someone to follow on their own in some cases. That said, try to keep an admin with full access handy at all times (preferably one without control issues) to quell anything too outlandish (Ex./ team killing, racial or homophobic remarks, bullying, griefing, etc.). Also, to give players in both factions a direction in which to work, include an objective box in the players' heads up display with minor instructions (Ex./ Take and hold the city, destroy the Rebel airfield, steal the Imperial weapon shipments, etc.).Lastly, and I cannot stress this enough, DO NOT INCLUDE JEDI OR SITH. Seriously, no one likes them. The only people who do are those who play as them, and those who normally do monopolize the class and lord it over people.

The current mod is way too overpowered and will completely throw a server into disarray. On top of this, even if both factions have a Jedi or Sith, they will ultimately dominate a fight and leave little for the other classes to do. It's even worse if Jedi are reserved only for staff or VIP's, as other players will have no means of effectively fighting them at all.

Star wars rp gmod ranks

They are easily the biggest generators of resentment among a playerbase. Until the mod can be fixed to give players equal chance of fighting them, they are best left out. Get rid of them or get ready for the biggest influx of angry players and messages you've ever seen.Keep these thoughts in mind. They may very well make your server more desirable to both casual and regular players. That's more than can be said for the current lineup of Star Wars servers. I'm afraid time constraints would prevent me from being a helpful hand to you in this.

You're free to take from this post all you like if you like what your read. And as a bit of friendly advice, pick your staff carefully. They're going to represent you as the owner and represent your community as well.

I was put on a probationary period before my spot as sub admin was made permanent, so try that with any prospective people you're thinking about bringing on to the server. Best of luck my man.

' All regiments are ready to mobilize. Awaiting your orders' ―A, to the hiredA regiment was a large ground unit. In the of the, each consisted of sixteen regiments of 2,304 led by their respective, with each divided into sixteen.

The 's also made use of regiments, and several regiments were part of the. In the, a regiment consisted of four, giving one a total of 3,200. A consisted of four regiments. According to, Imperial regiments were known for their lockstep obedience. Appearances This list is incomplete. You can help Wookieepedia by.

Star Wars Imperial Rp Gmod


(Mentioned only). (Mentioned only). '—. (Mentioned only).Sources. (First mentioned).Notes and references.