
Afraid Of Monsters Dc

  1. Half Life Afraid Of Monsters
  2. Afraid Of Monsters Dc Fix
  3. Afraid Of Monsters Endings

Contents PlotDavid Leatherhoff is a man addicted to a mysterious painkiller being mailed to him by an unknown company. In an attempt to get help, David travels to. While in the bathroom, he takes more pills, then experiences a. When he wakes up, day has turned to night, and the hospital is empty.Feeling something is not right, David arms himself with a, and sets out to investigate. While walking through the abandoned corridors, David hears disembodied footsteps and notices ominous, bloody footsteps that lead to nowhere. Walking into an abandoned room, David spots a sleeping person hidden under some sheets, but decides to not disturb the person's slumber.


After finding a flashlight to illuminate the dark surroundings, a sound of glass shattering comes from the room where the sleeping person was in. David realizes that the body is gone, and bloody footsteps lead to a broken window, and off a ledge with no body below. Compelled to find out what is going on, David traverses the ledges and construction areas of the hospital and climbs onto the roof. On the roof, David finds a bloodied map with directions into an accessible window. Following the directions, David wanders inside the hospital once again.

Many strange happenings later, David finds a small pistol on top a bloodied medical cart and promptly requisitions it to his aid. Roaming through a dimly lit food court, David finds the basement, with a switch labeled 'Power'. David switches off the hospital power to progress through an area that has electrical wires blocking the way to a button to open another door. Flashlight in hand, David retraces his steps, now wishing he didn't pull the now jammed switch, but he was obliged to anyway. Charging out of the darkness, bloodied and twitching attack, whom David is forced to kill. Sneaking his way through the hospital, David stumbles upon more and more of these terrifying creatures, all of whom seem like twisted versions of civilians and dehabilitated patients alike.

David soon realizes that these creatures he is fighting against are the exact same ones that he has had brief nightmares about for so long, and he finds that it gets progressively harder to fight what he is scared of. After wandering blindly in the darkness, David makes it into the zombie-infested sewers.He discovers new locations and then chased by the police during some time at which he will end up in a forest (either through driving, running away or hallucinating/murdering people in his way to the country-side's forest).EndingsSpoilers below. After reaching the forest, depending on paths taken in-game, the game can end 4 different ways. The first three endings tell a story, while the fourth ending, the 'FORGIVE ME' ending, reveals he was dreaming the strange events of the game. The endings are:Ending 1 - David wakes up in a house, surrounded by corpses. The monsters that he had been killing to survive were in fact innocent people. His twisted imagination (or possibly drug-induced hallucinations) had gotten the better of him.


With police outside, he is soon arrested.Ending 2 - David is shown being questioned by a police officer. He reveals he does not remember what happened during his drug-induced haze.Ending 3 - A guard studying a newspaper that reads: 'Psychotic Killer Claims Over 27 Victims'. David is shown in his cell, dead, having hanged himself.Ending 4 - After fighting his worst nightmare, drug addiction, David is shown lying on a hospital bed, showing that all this mayhem was merely a nightmare. Doctors fight to keep him alive, but he soon flatlines.

A couple seconds later, David's pulse returns, he has barely survived a drug overdose. After retracing down the hospital, the camera blacks out. It says: 'The End. Added Content. New monsters (No Half-Life reskin) and weapons.

Half Life Afraid Of Monsters

Battery powered flashlight. Improved maps and completely new ones. 4 different endings and alternate routes. Randomized monster spawns. New H.U.D., sprites, textures, sounds, models, animations, and much more.ReceptionUpon release, AoM:DC garnered even more praise than the original version, Afraid of Monsters.

In children, the fear of monsters often takes a nonspecific form. Rather than fearing Frankenstein, Dracula or Godzilla, the child is afraid that 'a monster' lives under his bed or in her closet. Nonetheless, asking the child to draw a picture of the monster may provide clues to an environmental trigger.


Some drawings resemble a TV cartoon character, a kidnapper who appeared on the evening news or even a neighbor whom the kids in the neighborhood refer to as 'creepy.' In these cases, limiting the child's exposure may help lessen the fear. Some parents use 'monster spray' to help their kids battle this fear. Consider using a spray bottle — empty, partially filled with colored water or an aromatherapy spray — in a nightly ritual. Spray the closet, under the bed and anywhere else that your child thinks the monster might be hiding. Be sure not to use anything that might be harmful to the child or damaging to fabrics or paint. Encourage soothing bedtime routines to calm the child's nerves.

Afraid Of Monsters Dc Fix

A warm bath, a glass of water, and a bedtime story promote relaxation and a soothing sleeping environment. If the child is afraid of the dark, consider providing a nightlight. Sleeping with the family pet might also provide a feeling of protection. Reward 'brave' behavior. Some kids thrive on the attention their fears draw, so refocus your attention.

Afraid Of Monsters Endings

Provide a brief 'monster check' (and spray ritual, if desired) and then leave the room. Use stickers or other markers to track the nights that the child stays in bed all night without calling you into her room. When a week's worth of stickers have been collected, allow the child to trade them in for a favorite treat, such as a trip to the park or a batch of cookies.