
Power Lines Phase 2 Game

  1. Power Lines Phase 2 Game System
  2. Power Lines Phase 2 Game Rules

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Power Grid finally hit the table at 10PM on New Year's eve. We had six for the game, which meant it would get crowded.One player prefers the old Funkenschlag v1 over Power Grid (Funkenschlag v2) due to actually getting to play in stage 3 for a few turns in v1. In Power Grid the abundance of money often means Stage 3 also triggers end game immediately. Games frequently end in Stage 2.We talked about playing with the corrected old Funkenschlag v1 payout matrix, which he felt would be generous enough. After somediscussion we decided to play the modified 50/50 payouts halfway between v1 and v2.There was the usual groaning as the areas were selected, Germany, no Blue.There was even louder groaning after the first auction as start cities were selected. My decision to start in Hamburg felt good until Red chose to start with the 10 plant (2-coal 2-cities, or 2c2) in Schwerin and Lubeck.

Ouch.Our most isolated player started way down in Augsburg with the 9 plant (1o1) with his closest neighbour being up in Erfurt-Halle.A few good plants came out in the third auction (20-25-26) and the 29 soon after. I foolishly triggered stage 2 building my 7th city with my 4-5-25 plants. So my upgrade choices were harder, and when the plant stall kicked in (as it will when 20-25-26-29-30 are already in the game) I had to settle for upgrading with 3-capacity plants (19 2g3, and 23 1u3).

My goal was to look competitive for the rest of the game, and hopefully be viewed as a threat.Midway through the game it was observed that all fuel was still quite cheap. This was chalked up to the lower payouts, and that no one had enough cash to guarantee fuel supplies as well as expand their networks.The Stage 3 card dropped in an auction, so it took its place as the '51 plant' in the future market. We immediately shuffled the remaining plants, during the auction, even though the rules say to wait.

Power Lines Phase 2 Game System

I guess our house rules declare that to be a typo.In this auction the 31 (3c6), 32 (3o6), 36 (3c7), 35 (1o5), and 34 (1u5) plants were purchased, giving 3 players 15 capacity and 2 had 14 capacity. The end game looked and felt near.Even with the reduced (mid range) payout matrix we used, the game still ended, disappointingly, on the first Stage 3 build.No one with 15 capacity could build to 15 cities. The game was wonwith 14 cities, and Red won on the cash tie-breaker. Congratulations.I now look forward to playing Power Grid with the old v1 payout matrix.

Power Lines Phase 2 Game

Personally I do not think the game is broken, but I am intrigued with the possibility of playing 2 or even 3 turns in Stage 3. In my 800+ plays I have seen a few games end in the 3rd Stage 3 turn, but not enough.Hopefully, this Saturday, experiment #2 will follow. No one with 15 capacity could build to 15 cities. The game was wonwith 14 cities, and Red won on the cash tie-breaker. Congratulations.Ummm.have I been playing wrong? We play that building 15 cities is the end game trigger. Your capacity is meaningless (except of course that higher capacity lets you power more cities, making it more likely that you will actually win.)If you'd played that way (which I think is correct), then you would have had at least one more turn to play in stage 3.Edit: I have been corrected, 14 cities wins in 6 player PG.

As noted below, the author played correctly, he was not using capacity as an endgame condition. Re: Fixing Power Grid - Trying to Play in Stage 3 as well asIt may be 14 - I don't remember the exact number.But I do remember that we use cities connected, not capacity, to decide whether or not the game has ended.Edit: Got a geekmail from the author, he was playing correctly. I took his comment about nobody building cities to match their capacity to mean that his group ends the game when players reach a certain capacity, but he said no, he plays correctly, he was just saying that people had 15 capacity, but nobody could build beyond 14 cities (the end-of-game trigger). Yes, connected cities reached 14, so the game ended.With 6 players squeezed into 5 regions there were no cheap builds at this stage.

It was quite tight in the North. There was room in the South, but with the higher connection costs, and of course Torgelow in the Northeast.Since Red could generate power for 14 cities, the folks with 15 capacity were trying to get to 15 cities for the win. No one could.Of the folks with 14 cities and generating power for 14, Red had the most cash after her build and the victory was recognized. Please excuse my ignorance for one moment - can someone give me a short thumbnail of the difference between the two versions of the game? My group also would like to see more extended play in stage 3, which seems pretty much designed to end the game immediately in my rule set.If there is an English synopsis of the differences between the two version I would very much like to see it.Sag.I'm not sure whether there's an English synopsis, but here are the main differences.(1) Funkenschlag is played 'crayon rails' style on a map that has a lot of little dots in it.

Power lines game phase 3

You draw power lines from dot to dot in order to connect cities. Power Grid has a greatly simplified city connection method; you just plop your house down in the desired city and pay the cost.(2) Funkenschlag requires that you connect more cities to end the game. This makes the game take longer but provides scope for more strategic options.(3) The power plants are different between the two versions. Funkenschlag starts with a #01 and a #02 plant, which Power Grid has eliminated (the lowest plant in Power Grid is #03.) Funkenschlag also has more, bigger plants (in particular a capacity-10 plant compared with a maximum of 7 for Power Grid.) Despite this, many of the plants are identical between the two. It seems clear that Friedemann tweaked the Funkenschlag plant set to get the Power Grid set.(4) The payoffs are higher in Power Grid. This provides some benefit to building and powering more cities.

Power Lines Phase 2 Game Rules

In Funkenschlag it was certain death to lead in the number of cities all game, but in Power Grid it can work if circumstances are favorable. It also makes Power Grid a much faster game. I'd say Funkenschlag takes close to twice as long as Power Grid.(5) In Funkenschlag, Stage 2 can grind to a halt if no one wants to buy a plant. In Power Grid, there's a rule that says you throw away one plant if none is bought during the auction phase.