
Locker Codes Doom 3

  1. Doom 3 Locker Codes Xbox
  2. Doom 3 Walkthrough
  3. Locker Codes Doom 3

Resurrection Of EvilYou may need to do more playthroughs or replay part of the game for misc achievements, missing collectibles or other gimmicks.Step 1: Your First Playthrough & CollectiblesAlright. Here we go again. We will be doing a full playthrough like we did before from start to finish on Doom 3. You will be taking your time to explore the game from start to finish on Recruit Difficulty and grabbing all of the collectibles you need for the related achievements along the way. Plus you will also grab a handful of misc achievements as well that are available during your quest. As this game has far less levels compared to Doom 3, it will take you around 8 - 12 hours to complete a full playthrough if this is your first experience. You may however be able to complete this game though in a far shorter time than originally stated.Now unlike Doom 3 where you have to find all of the PDA's, locker codes and video discs in order to get 3 different achievements, Resurrection Of Evil only requires you to find all of the PDA's as there are no achievements tied to the lockers or the video discs.

Like before I will write down a written guide to help you find the PDA's, but if you prefer a video guide here is one below. Credit goes to HarryNinetyFour. Note: This video guide is done on the Playstation 3 version of the game, but it has no difference towards the collectibles compared to the Xbox 360 version of the game.In addition to the PDA's, I will also provide you location and codes towards the lfockers if you wish to use them.Level 01: Erebus - Level 1: Main ExcavationOverview: You are treated to a lengthy cutscene at the start where you will witness your Marine that's part of a squad discovering the element that's been signaled. Unaware of it's consequences, your character takes hold of the item known as the Artifact. At this moment in time the Artifact is useless but it won't be later on. With it in your hands you awaken the Maledict who has summoned demons, enemies & zombies to kill you for the Artifact and has sent his 3 new elite bosses to find you as well.With your squad eliminated and you on your own again, your objective now is to escape the ruins and head for the surface with the Artifact. You won't be alone.

You've got your bunch of enemies back and a new Lost Soul enemy to deal with.Collectibles: There are no Collectibles for you to find in this level. Resurrection Of Evil will also introduce to you some new weapons for you to experiment with.

One of them is this one - The Grabber. It is a weapon that can be used to grab items and particles and then launch them at a distant or into an area that a human cannot reach. With this in mind this weapon can also be used to access areas you couldn't reach before or use it to defeat enemies and save ammunition.For this achievement that's tied to it, you will need to use the Grabber and grab particles or items thrown by an enemy and then launch it back at them, earning you a kill. This has to be done 20 times in total for the achievement to pop and it's across all of your playthroughs, so you do not have to do this in one sitting. A suggestion in getting this achievement is to wait for an Imp to throw a flame-ball at you and then grab it and throw it at them to kill it (just like it does in the cutscene).Note: This achievement will only count and can only be obtained in the Resurrection Of Evil campaign.Tip: You can use the Grabber as well to defeat Lost Soul enemies easily.Level 02: Erebus - Level 2: Dig SiteOverview: Whilst you are on your quest to find Elizabeth and deliver the Artifact, you will have an encounter that will change the Artifact in a way that you can use it to your advantage. In this level you will start finding collectibles once again and you will also encounter a new enemy for you to deal with.01. PDA: Marcus Tanner: Maintenance SupplyAs soon as you start the level, head out the elevator and take the stairs to the top.

There will be a small room with some Lockers and a engineer hiding in one of them. On your right there should be a small seating area.

The collectible will be on top of these seats.Note: This PDA is required to continue your quest. Boss: Helltime HunterWe are only in the 2nd level and you will already encounter a boss straight away! This boss floats in mid-air and like the Hell Knights will use particles to throw at you. He can also teleport and may teleport nearby you if you fail to take damage on him.The Helltime Hunter is invulnerable to all your weapon attacks, however he can be defeated by using the Grabber with the particles that are being shot out of the machines around the battle arena.

Whenever you see one, use your Grabber to get it and then fire it at the Helltime Hunter. Do this a few times and the boss will be defeated. As this is story related you will get this achievement upon defeating the boss and moving on in the level.Note: You cannot go through the teleporter where the Helltime Hunter spawns as the jump hole is to lengthy for your character to jump at. After defeating the Helltime Hunter, you will notice a new feature being placed into the Artifact.

It will start beating more faster and it will give you the ability to control time. When activated the area and enemies around you will go slow motion for a short period of time, allowing you to cross through obstacles and paths which the real human cannot successfully achieve.Your Artifact though contains energy and if you use all of it, it cannot perform it's techniques. To re-generate it back to full health though, you will need to find a dead human body and then the Artifact will retrieve it's soul.For this achievement, you are required to go into slow motion and successfully kill 5 enemies at once before the Artifact returns back to normal. Whilst it sounds as though it can be tricky to obtain, your Artifact will get stronger later on, so you can always try this achievement again in later levels.02.

CodesLocker Codes Doom 3

PDA: Sean Weston: Elevator MaintenanceIn the construction part you will see a scientist thrown out of the window. Keep going along and use the Grabber to remove the crates that are blocking the door. Head into this room and kill the Imp that appears.

Travel around the left along the long corridor where the Imp spawned from and enter the door on the next left. You should see a small computer area and if you travel around it, another door will be on your left.

An Imp will spawn around here to be careful. Head through this door up the stairs on your left and then take the door on the right. Keep going straight and you should see a main room area with a locker on your far right (Collectible 4). On the left when you enter will be a opened gate you can crawl under. Head up the stairs and then crawl underneath the pipeworks on the left.

Keep following it around and when you drop down you should see a body and the collectible next to it.03. (Optional) Locker 028: Armor & Bullets: Elevator Maintenance - Code 516Same as Collectible 2.04. (Optional) Locker 029: Bullets, Shells & Hand Grenades: Elevator Bay - Code 516This is the locker that is in the main room you passed by to find Collectible 2. You can access it by going through the door from the previous collectible.

It will just be on your right on the way out.05. PDA: Gregory Martin: Central ExcavationWhen you return to the construction part on the other side of the walkway you should see a body on the left side at the bottom of a stairway with the collectible next to it. It will be tucked in around a pillar.Level 03: Erebus - Level 3: Erebus LabsOverview: You will start off this area in an ancient ruined part.

You will be re-united with some new enemies from Doom 3, but you will end up visiting a laboratory area as well infested with machine-gun Security Guards. This is also a level where you can find an Arcade machine containing Super Turbo Turkey Puncher 3, allowing you to go for this achievement if you haven't got it yet. It is located in Sarge's Office.06.

PDA: Stewart Jackson: The Proving GroundsHead through the entrance doorway and once it's opened you will see a body and the collectible in front of you.07. PDA: Preston Glenn: Medical WardYou will find this collectible on the far right side of the computer terminal next to the power cell you need to remove.08.

(Optional) Locker 105: Bullets, Shells & Hand Grenades: Erebus Labs Bio Facility - Code 769Kill the enemies that spawn in and then you should see the Locker down the far end of this room before you continue your objective.09. PDA: Steven Crane: Site 1 Research AccessAs soon as you exit from the elevator, enter the Site 1 doorway and you should see a body next to a small pillar in the middle. The collectible is next to it.Double Barreled Shotgun: Sarge's Office - Code 428This code will give you the famous double-barreled shotgun weapon and the administration key needed to access the next area in the level, but beware that a load of Zombies will start spawning at some point and your screen will go into an unusual color until you have killed every Zombie in the area.10. PDA: Viktor Kharkov: Artifact StorageAs soon as you enter the room there will be a body on your left with an explosive barrel and the collectible next to it. Don't worry the barrel will not destroy the PDA.Level 04: Erebus - Level 4: Erebus ControlOverview: You will find a scientist that will tell you to find 2 power cells needed to activate a elevator in order to reach the surface. This level will return the game back to the Laboratory Scientist Facilities you we're familiar with back in Doom 3, so you will expect to find some Zombies, Security Guards and of-course the demon enemies that have been spawning in on regular basis. And a new enemy will appear as a bonus.

This is also a level where you can find an Arcade machine containing Super Turbo Turkey Puncher 3, allowing you to go for this achievement if you haven't got it yet. It is located in the Lounge.11. PDA: Ron Gibbons: Administration North HallAs you battle along in these corridors, you will end up in this room that will just have some Zombies. The collectible will be along the corridor. Not difficult to miss.Note: This PDA is required to continue your quest.12. (Optional) Locker 408: Shells: Administration Access - Code 937Not far from the previous collectible, use the recent PDA to open the door in the Administration North Hall and then drop down and if you turn round, you should see the collectible on the right side up the small stairway.13. PDA: Mac Smith: Excavation TransferThis collectible is right next to the machine you need to add the power cell into.

It is on the edge of the computer terminal. Watch out for the enemies that appear.Note: This PDA is required to continue your quest.14.

(Optional) Locker 407: Bullets, Shells & Health: Administration Main Office - Code 937As soon as you open the office to this area kill the machine-gun Security Guard in front of you and the Zombie on the right. Go right and the locker will be in the small corner.15.

PDA: Nathan Reynolds: LobbyAfter taking the elevator in the Dig Site section, go through the door and kill the enemies that are around. A dead body will be in one of the sections in the lobby area with the collectible next to it.Note: This PDA is required to continue your quest.Level 05: Erebus - Level 5: Erebus ResearchOverview: You will encounter a scientist who is in conversation with Dr.

Elizabeth McNeal. You will realize that your Artifact is not only a useful item for yourself, but it is also the only item that can be used to open a gateway. The scientist encourages you to get the Artifact to the Phobos Labs where Dr. Elizabeth McNeal is waiting for it. In addition he will give you a key to access a weapon from your past experience in Doom 3. But don't think this is a simple mission.

A lot of enemies will be waiting for you on this level. And a new enemy for you to witness as well, with the addition of some introducing themselves from Doom 3.16. PDA: Sean Gibson: Cargo Storage StairwellYou will find this collectible next to a dead body at the bottom of the stairway.Note: This PDA is required to continue your quest.17.

PDA: Leo Avery: ArmoryIt is on the shelf on the right side as soon as you enter the room. You will also find the weapon the scientist says will give you some firepower - a chaingun.Note: This PDA is required to continue your quest.Level 06: Erebus - Level 6: Erebus StationOverview: This level re-introduces the outside sections from the original Doom 3. Only this time they're much longer and provide you a bit of an obstacle course to pass. Keep an eye out for Air Canisters and like the previous level, use the Artifact to your advantage should you be struggling to defeat enemies or exit the area in time.18. PDA: Fred Grossman: Blocked PassageThere will be a door that will required his PDA in order to open.

His body is nearby this doorway on the left side of the small section of stairs.Note: This PDA is required to continue your quest.19. (Optional) Locker 034: Ammo Belt: Armory - Code 134Use the PDA from the previous collectible to open the next door. The lockers will be in front of you.20. (Optional) Locker 035: Shells, Bullets, Armor Shards & Health: Armory - Code 134Same as Collectible 19.

Boss: Berserk HunterThis boss is particularly fast and is very good at dodging most of your attacks. He shoots particles and can lighten himself up with flames for short moments. He is invulnerable to all of your attacks except for when he reveals his Heart. Whilst you can attempt to shoot his heart when it's exposed, you don't have very long before he seals it again. The trick here is to use your Artifact when he reveals it and then fire away with a powerful weapon. You can retrieve Souls from the dead bodies scattered around the arena.

Once you have defeated him, you will absorb his power into the Artifact and this achievement will then unlock. Now that you have the Berserk ability applied to your Artifact, it means you can also go for this achievement as well. In order to get this you will need to use the Artifact with your Fists equipped and then kill a total of 20 enemies with it. The difference with the Artifact placed in will increase the speed of your Fist attack on enemies. This will allow you to possibly defeat enemies that are standard, rather than relying on Zombies or easy enemies. However as a precaution I would not recommend using this move on strong enemies. This achievement is across all your games played so once you have claimed your 20th Fist kill with the Berserk ability, you will get this achievement.Note: This is the only game where you can go for this achievement.Level 07: Phobos Labs - Sector 1: TeleportationOverview: You will receive a communication from Dr.

Doom 3 Locker Codes Xbox

Elizabeth McNeal whilst exiting from the train. She will assign you an objective of delivering the Artifact to the Delta Labs via teleportation. As this is a new section away from the Erebus part, you will encounter a fair amount of Security Guards, Zombies and new enemies. One of which is the Commando Tentacle Soldier and the other is the Commando Chaingun Soldier. Oh and did I forget Pinky and a Hell Knight?21. PDA: Bernard Fresko: Utility ClosetIn the Storage area with the Locker (Collectible 22).

Take the next door and kill the Pinky. Drop down the hole, crouch and then follow it round. You should see another hole and a body dropping down to where you are. Jump out of the hole where the body is and the collectible will be in front of you.22. (Optional) Locker 042: Shells & Bullets: Storage - Code 714From the previous collectible go back in the hole where the body was, then follow it back to the previous hole and then backtrack to the Storage area where the Locker is.Level 08: Phobos Labs - Sector 2: Molecular ResearchOverview: This level is based in a different Research Facility within the UAC Co-operation.

You will meet up with Dr. Elizabeth McNeal. You are assigned to re-activate 4 Teleporters which can be used at some point to help you reach the Hell universes.

Doom 3 Walkthrough

This level has a bit of everything. An outside section, new enemies, familiar weapons from Doom 3 and the most PDA collectibles in the entire game. This is also a level where you can find an Arcade machine containing Super Turbo Turkey Puncher 3, allowing you to go for this achievement if you haven't got it yet. It is located in the Commons area.23.

PDA: James Owens: Conference RoomGo into the Research Sector A area and then you will find a meeting room with some large chairs as you travel round. The collectible will be in this room on the corner of the table.Note: This PDA is required to continue your quest.24. PDA: Seth Killian: Pumping StationWhen you return indoors from the outside section, you will eventually find 2 stairways with one going up and one going door in this room. The one going down has a body on the bottom left. The collectible is next to it.25. PDA: Keith Noordy: Upper WalkwayIn this area you will have a lot of machine-gun Security Guards to deal with. But as you travel around you will get to a part where there is a long corridor with a viewing on the right side.

If you go to the other end of the room you should see the collectible on a large box.Security Core: Bridge Code - 281. Boss: Invulnerability HunterThis is the last of the 3 elite bosses that are in the game and among all of them, this one is the hardest and time consuming to defeat. As the name applies because the area is full of electricity, he is invulnerable to all of your attacks.During the cutscene you are awarded a clue into defeating him in which you must first destroy all 4 electric cores which he uses to absorb his power. During the first part of the battle you are free to shoot him until he uses the electric around him. Use the Artifact to help you here too. When he uses the electric to take power go to one of the cores and then activate the green button to reveal the electric side of the core. Shoot and and destroy it.

The hunter will then get a shock attack and then you can fire away with your weapons again.You must watch out for his electrical attacks and the particles he throws at you (acts the same as a Hell Knight). And you must not make him approach to you closely as he can take a large amount of damage on you. Once all 4 cores are destroyed, finish him off and you will then absorb his power and earn this achievement when he's dead.The Artifact will give you a new feature for the last time, which is temporary invulnerability as well as controlling time and your speed.26. PDA: David Edens: Security ControlFrom the Invulnerability Hunter, take the elevator and move onto the next section. Cross through two doorways and then turn left and follow the passageway. You will get a room with some ammunition, health and the PDA nearby the computer terminal.Level 09: Phobos Labs - Sector 3: Main ReactorOverview: At the start of the level you will take another train in which will take you to where the Main Reactor is. This is what you need to shutdown.

Locker Codes Doom 3

The area has a lot of underground parts that are dark and will be home to Zombies that will try to surprise you. You will have a large selection of enemies both on ground and in the air throughout this level so make sure you keep an eye in front of you. And below.27. PDA: Nicolas Haag: Lower MaintenanceThe collectible will be right near the reactor key needed to continue further in the level. The items are inside a small dark section where you will need to travel through and then drop down a stairway.

Beware of the Zombies that are lurking around in these dark areas.28. (Optional) Locker 009: Armor, Bullets & Ammo Belt: Reactor Control - Code 492It is in the room where you are required to shutdown the Main Reactor.

You will easily see this locker in the corner nearby the small stairway. Afterwards in this level you will reach a very dark red looking area. Here is where you will encounter another Sentry Bot for another try at this achievement.Level 10: Phobos Labs - Revisited: TeleportationOverview: This is a fairly short level in which you must escape from the Phobos Area before the oxygen level becomes too low for you to survive in. You will recognize this level as it contains similar elements from Level 07: Phobos Labs - Sector 1: Teleportation. The area is covered with a red-like background warning you of potential danger.

You will have a lot of strong enemies and a familiar one from Doom 3 ready to take you on. Did I mention you also get a whole load of machine-gun Security Guards too?29. PDA: Ronn Jolson: Airlock AccessThis is accessible at the start of the level, go through and kill the enemies that are up the small stairwell. Go through the door and kill the enemies that appear in the start section of this area. The collectible on the floor on the left side near the wall.

It will be among the Armor Shards.Level 11: Delta Labs - Unknown: Union Aerospace Research DivisionOverview: Besides you and all of the mutated creatures and demons that are lurking in this level, no know has ever survived this part which is the Delta Labs, making you the first human being to explore it. This is the final level in the game based within the Mars City universe. There are some extremely strong enemies and some which you haven't met in the game until now. You will be teleporting throughout the level as well and you may notice some areas in this level are based within the original Doom 3 game. Watch out for the Hell Knights, you will get a few!30. PDA: Patrick Hook: Common AreaAs you travel around a corridor you will eventually see a small kitchen cafeteria section with the collectible on the side of the desk.

Kill the Hell Knight that spawns here and then obtain the collectible when you have the section cleared. This is the final PDA to collect in the game, so if you have followed the written guide up to this point then you should receive this achievement for finding all of the PDA's in Doom 3: Resurrection Of Evil. Now you can roam free without finding any collectibles and finish off the game as you please. If you have not been given this achievement, it means you have likely missed one or more throughout your playful and you will either have to reload your saved data to an area you believe you have missed a PDA.

Or you may unfortunately have to start a brand new campaign and go for all of the collectibles again.31. (Optional) Locker 116: Cells: Specimen Research Lab - Code 634You will reach a room that will be similar to a laboratory part that was in Doom 3. If you go around the left corner and defeat the enemies, you will see the 2 corners on each side of the area.32. (Optional) Locker 117: Shells & Ammo Belt: Specimen Research Lab - Code 634Same as Collectible 31.Level 12: HellOverview: Welcome back to hell Marine! This time though the Hell level will be different for you to explore on. It is a fairly long level and it will contain a lot of spawning demon enemies for you to spray and pray on.

If you reach the ending, you will have a new boss waiting for you to defeat. Unlike Doom 3 where you would lose all your weapons when you reach Hell. Resurrection Of Evil treats you with the benefit of allowing you to keep all of your weapons and items you have obtained in the game.Collectibles: There are no Collectibles for you to find in this level. Boss: MaledictThe Maledict is the final boss in the game and is the leader of all the Hunters that you have fought and defeated during your campaign progress.

It is a an unusual creature with a skull-like face and gigantic wings that allow him to fly above in the air. He also uses a headless Dr. Betruger that pops in and out from his mouth in order to communicate through the language of English.Now unlike Doom 3 where you had to rely on the Soul Cube only to defeat the Cyberdemon, for this boss you can kill it by using any weapons as it will take damage with what you use. As it is a boss that uses flight and speed to it's advantage, you are going to have to use the Sprint ( ) button to dodge it's flame and fire-ball attacks as well as combining your weapons with the Artifact.

With this in mind enabling the Artifact will increase your speed, slow down the time and make you invulnerable for a few moments allowing you to spray away at the Maledict. It is suggested to attack the Maledict when he is sitting on a ledge or floating at a slow pace above you.

Make sure you use weapons that are guaranteed to take a hit on him rather than using weapons that are likely going to miss him when he's afloat. You will also find dead bodies in the arena that will replenish the Artifact as well.Once you have defeated the boss, you will be treated with a cutscene in which you give the Maledict and Dr.

Betruger what they really want that will give them a huge consequence earning you the above achievement. Then after you watch the ending for this game you will also get. This achievement for completing the campaign on Recruit difficulty. You have completed your first playthrough on Resurrection Of Evil, but the reign isn't over yet!Step 2: Nightmare PlaythroughAlright, so because you have completed Resurrection Of Evil on any other difficulty you should now have access to playing it on Nightmare difficulty. Now the same rules apply on Resurrection Of Evil like Doom 3 in which every few moments your health will be reduced by 5% and it will keep on going down until your health is 25%.

But you have one disadvantage in this game that makes it just as difficult as Doom 3 - There is no Soul Cube. So the only way in which you'll be able to retrieve health is by using the Health Machines that are available throughout the levels since all other related Health features will be removed. What's more is that there are no Health Packs in the Hell Region so once you have entered that level, you must survive that and the final boss with the remaining health you have throughout the rest of your journey. Like Doom 3 though your Armor, Ammo and all other features in the game on this difficulty are unaffected.If you wish to read the pointers or tips into completing this game on Nightmare difficulty, please read the Doom 3 page of the walkthrough and scroll until you see Step 3: Nightmare Playthrough.If you would like to have some help or assistance in getting this game on Nightmare difficulty, I have provided you a video guide below. Credit goes to arvutihull. Be-aware that this video is around 4 Hours long of game-play.