
A Culpa E Das Estrelas Torrent

  1. Imdb The Fault In Our Stars

Alternate VersionsExtended version contains 5 additional scenes with 1 alternate scene as follows:. When Hazel tells her mother that she is going to Amsterdam, Frannie consents but wants her to see the doctor.

Hazel evades the question of whether she's in relationship with Gus. The next morning, both mother and daughter visit Dr. Maria who has reservations about her health and says that she would approve if someone who is familiar with her condition accompanies Hazel for the trip - Hazel suggests her mother for that. When Gus messages her, Hazel simply switches off the phone. The 'grenade talk' between Gus and Hazel is not as serious in tone than in the theatrical version. Following the 'grenade talk', Gus and Hazel talk about finding the most creative title for their classified ad for the swing.

Gus admits of liking her but they just shake hands. John Green's cameo is longer here. The little girl that Hazel meets in the airport asks her about the tubes on her nose. The man (Green) wants to apologize, but Hazel explains the whole thing and even allows her to try it. She thanks Hazel and then leaves with him.

Gus' hands are wet so he wipes it with her jacket. When Gus is driven to the hospital in an ambulance with Hazel accompanying her, he asks her to either tell a story or a poem. She recites poem 'The Red Wheelbarrow'.». I don't really cry in movies unless they're really, really sad. And this movie is bound to get you crying like there's no tomorrow. I brought a box of tissues and I used about half of them.

I have never cried so much in my entire life. Being an avid fan of the book, I was kind of scared that like some of my other favourite books, the movie would be ruined.

A Culpa E Das Estrelas Torrent

Imdb The Fault In Our Stars

But no, the movie had all of the book's materials in it (except for one thing). I never thought Shailene and Ansel would play Hazel and Gus, but when I watched it, their performance blew me away. I think Shailene's ability to cry got ME crying, because that's how real it felt. It is an amazing movie, and I'm sorry to say that it's even better than A Walk to Remember. Go see this movie, and if you do, maybe read the book first so that you can be somewhat prepared!