
Kingdom Come Deliverance Easy Lockpicking


So, the Alpha dot3 updates been out for long enough now; what’s everyone’s thoughts on the lockpicking mechanic that’s now been introduced in-game?I personally liked the fact that it’s a fresh and new take on the notion, which was indeed refreshing However the process itself did seem far too easy. I’d expect it to be quite a hard skill to learn let alone master.I mean, I wouldn’t imagine even with a simple medieval lock mechanism (like the chest locks and doors probably would have been) that anyone could just pick up some lock-picks and straight away be able to unlock just about any lock presented to them which is kind of how it felt to me.

I think we need to find some more balance somehow.Thoughts, opinions ideas for improvement? In video update #10, Dan says:Our goal was not to make itimpossible, but kind of prolong the way you are opening the doors. It’s very flexiblein terms of difficulty, so can be very hard or very simple When we’ve researched this topic, we realize that back then the lockpicking was quite simple. Usually they made some kind of master key and then it could be used in most of the locks.I guess lock picking will be more difficult in the future, when we have to go by different locks in different contexts. I love the idea of the minigame but even the harder lock in forest seems rather easy. Perhpas the smaller spot or less forgiving would help I dont know.As far as I know there were differenet principles of medieval locks.

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Having different minigames for poor and expensive locks could represent that, hovewer that would be perhaps too much consider this isnt another Thief game: - )I was thinking about the finding the “sweetspot”. Right now, you can find it quite fast just by moving your cursor quickly. I didnt even noticed that the cursor is growing as help until I read it recently.

Kingdom come deliverance lockpicking mod

I think that this shouldnt be possible. If you move your cursor too fast then there shouldnt be any help.What you think about: you would have to hold LMB to found the sweetspot and if you then move your mouse too fast, you would broke your lockpick?

Kingdom Come: Deliverance's lockpicking isn't fully explained the first time you get to try it out, and even later when you get some lessons it can feel tricky.There's a knack to it, like all awkward mechanics - and at least the difficulty is fairly realistic - so here on this page we'll be doing our best to explain just how to pick locks in Kingdom Come: Deliverance as well has how to get lockpicks, too. Kingdom Come: Deliverance lockpicking explained - how to pick locksLockpicking in Kingdom Come: Deliverance is both a skill in the game, and a skill in and of itself. Now, you need to turn the lock, using the left analogue stick, or by just holding D on the keyboard - it's a lot easier on the keyboard, in all honesty.At the same time, you need to move the cursor round at the same speed that you're moving the lock, so they're turning together and the cursor's position in the lock is always the same relative to the rest of it. So if the sweet spot was directly down from the centre, at 6 on a clock, and you've then turned the lock half way round so far, the cursor would now be at the top, at 12 o' clock, and still in the sweet spot. So as I've turned the lock clockwise here with the left analogue stick, or D on keyboard, I've also moved the golden cursor in the same direct at the same speed with the right stick, or my mouse.Once you've worked it all the way around, the lock will spring open, and you'll be in.

Just try not to get detected as you clear out the contents and make an exit! How to get lockpicks and other things to know about picking locks in Kingdom Come: DeliveranceFortunately, getting lockpicks is a fairly simple task in Kingdom Come: Deliverance.At the very start of the game, where you're trying to pick the lock to a troublesome chap's chest in order to get his payment to your father, you can get some lockpicks from your friend, Fritz.After that however, the more conventional way to get lockpicks is to simply buy from from a trader. The first time we encountered this they cost us about 18 Groschen each. If you're short on that, the easiest thing to do is sell what you have, or to loot and raid as you progress further into the game.They do seem to be pretty rarely stocked at traders though, so your best bet is to simply set a rule of thumb for yourself and buy them whenever you see them, even if it takes a little work to get the coin together. You'll find it's worth the effort when you're fumbling for that last pick on a crucial chest.Aside from how to get lockpicks, here are some general tips, tricks and things to know about lockpicking:.

Kingdom Come Deliverance Easy Lock Picking

Lockpicks can break - it's quite easy to break a lockpick, and it'll happen just about every time you fail at picking a lock. To avoid this, try not to force the lock to turn if there feels like there's some resistance to it.

Kingdom Come Deliverance Easy Lockpicking Xbox

This is really tough on the controller, as it's in need of a patch, but on PC it's simply a case of not pressing D unless you know the cursor is in the right spot. Be wary of noise - this is more of a general point about sneaky crimes, but with lockpicking the thing to note is that breaking a lockpick is by far the noisiest part of it (hence the noise-reducing perks found below).

When you know you're in a high-risk situation, avoiding breaking a lockpick is the surest way to make it out undetected. On PC, tweak your mouse sensitivity - One of the issues with lockpicking is that the sensitivity on the cursor suddenly ramps up when you get into the lockpicking minigame, making it hard to control as you twist the mechanism. On PC, a great way to solve this is to use any added functionality you have with your mouse and reduce the DPI to its minimum, or use the 'sniper mode' button that often comes with gaming mice. Cheers to our pals at for that tip!

PerksRequired levelEffectLasting Lockpicks3Your lockpicks will be more durable and last twice as long.Repairman3After successfully picking a lock, you have a 20 per cent chance of any broken lockpicks returning to your inventory.Deft Grip6The starting position when lockpicking will be closer to the end of the lock, making it easier to open.Luck of the Drunk6It'll be 30 per cent easier for you to open locks when drunk, but it will also be 30 per cent noisier.Silent Fiddler9You're able to work almost silently with a lockpick, even if the lockpicking isn't going well. Snapping lockpicks 90 per cent quieter.Sixth Sense9You're warned if someone is about to catch you in the act of lockpicking.Lucky Thief12If you lockpick breaks, you'll have a 10 per cent chance of opening the lock instantly.Master Thief12You can unlock easier locks automatically.Sometimes we include links to online retail stores. If you click on one and make a purchase we may receive a small commission. For more information, go.