
Half Life Blue Shift Cheats


Half-Life: Blue Shift Cheats For PC. Activate cheat code functionBoot up Half-Life: Blue Shift with the bsift.exe-dev-console command line. Then, while you are playing the game, press to bring up a window. Millennium dawn ideology tags 2017. In this window, type svcheats 1 and that will activate the code function.

  1. Half Life Android Cheats

Half Life Android Cheats

Then, you may enter any cheats you know.Contributed by:OTACON120. Change the GravityFirst, activate the Cheat Function. Then, enter the following: svgravityThen, without pressing Return, type a space and type any number from 000 to 999 after svgravity to change the intensity of the gravity.Contributed by:OTACON120. Change your JumpFirst, activate the Cheat Function. Then, enter the following: svaccelerationThen, without pressing Return, type a space and type any number from 00 to 99 after svacceleration to change the intensity of the jump.Contributed by:OTACON120. Change SkillsFirst, activate the Cheat Function.