
Fallout 3 Zombie Apocalypse Mod


Hi, i just saw the first episode of The Walking Dead last night and thoughts went through my head about Zombie Apocalypse, does anyone know if ZuluFoxtrot plans on moving it over to New Vegas? I would almost kill for the answer to be yes, especially if it was like The Walking Dead with more zombies out at night than during the day. And if ZuluFoxtrot happens to see this thread. Please move it to New Vegas =D?Sorry if this is the wrong section, im bad at determining which section i should put my topics in.-P.S. I searched for Zombie Apocalypse before posting this.Posts: 3390 Joined: Fri Jul 06, 2007 11:32 am.

Saw the premiere just last night too. I have never used zombie apocalypse mods before but that show made me check the forums and nexus for one. Which are the best ones in your opinion? Include OB zombie mods since i still have OB installed.Zombie Apocalypse (for FO3 and hopefully NV soon) was the best in my opinion, for awhile the person that made it had a version that made them be there at night, but it was unstable so he made them there all the time (i used the night one still because i never had any problems and i loved it). Also, im pretty sure for Oblivion there was a zombie mod i used, search 28 days on tesnexus to find it.Posts: 3345 Joined: Sat May 19, 2007 12:26 am.

ZombieFallout 3 zombie apocalypse mod download

Fallout New Vegas Zombie Apocalypse

Check out the fo3 zombie mod and it looked nice. Would have been better if zombies had different models or textures instead of the cloes it had.also check out by ex-troika ex-obsidian devs. Would be nice to have this in the nv enginelol, if i can get my hands on ZA i will be playing in hardcoe, i just wish there were more companions in NV so it would be a little more like the game you linked (but they wouldnt eat, which would kind of take away some of the challenge)Posts: 3424 Joined: Thu Nov 30, 2006 1:59 pm. Hey everyone else that is quietly waiting for Zombie Apocalypse, i was on the nexus and just saw 'Prove your Worth' (and 'Zombie Mod Stuff' (i hope neither of these make Foxtrotzulu decide against making Zombie Apocalypse for NV, because to me there will never be a better zombie mod than ZA. But incase you guys want to try out either of those mods i linked i thought id post them since it is semi related to this topic.P.S.

If anyone hears any news on ZA please let me know (like if Foxtrotzulu decides not to move it over) so i dont look like an idiot waiting around posting how excited i am lol.Posts: 3410 Joined: Fri Sep 07, 2007 3:14 am. Your 2 links are the same.

Have you tried contacting ZA? If he decides not to port it, maybe you could.a zombie apocalypse mod would also go excellently with RTS. Though you'd have immersion breaking moments when you go to settlements and nobody else seems to be concerned about zombieslol thank you for letting me know about the links, my computer sometimes ignores when i copy something and pastes the old copy instead.