
Destiny Where To Get Strange Coins


This article will show you how to earn Strange Coins in Destiny, a currency that is often used by Xur, a vendor that shows up at the Tower each weekend. Some players don’t have a problem filling their pockets with these, but others struggle to keep a balance that will allow them to purchase the exotics that Xur brings with him each week.

Today, we’re going to help you put some Strange Coins in your bank, and some Exotic gear on your Guardian. Random ActivitiesStrange Coins can be earned by completing random activities. Sometimes you’ll get them from the Weekly Nightfall, and sometimes you’ll get them for decrypting engrams. You might even get them to drop by spending some time in the Crucible.

None of these methods are highly recommended, but if you play enough Destiny you’ll end up getting a few extra just by doing random things that any Guardian would do in a day. Weekly Heroic StrikeThe Weekly Heroic Strike can be completed on three difficulties. The lowest will give you 3 Strange Coins, the medium option will give you 6 Strange Coins, and the hardest setting will give you 9 Strange Coins. None of these are enough (on their own) to buy you something from Xur, but the trick is to do this Heroic Strike on each of your three characters. At the highest difficulty, that will give you 27 Strange Coins, or enough to buy two pieces of Exotic armor from Xur.You can find the Weekly Heroic Strike by heading to Orbit and scrolling over the icons on the far left side of your screen. This is also where you can find the Daily Mission and Weekly Nightfall Strike. If the icon for the Heroic Strike is filled in, you’ve already completed it.

How To Get Strange Coins Fast In Destiny 1

If it’s not, you can still jump in and get it done.Again, if you’ve already finished the Strike on one character, do it on your other two. If you’ve finished it on all three, you’ll have to wait for the weekly reset on Tuesday at 5:00 AM EST. This is by design, as it gives you three full days to get these Strikes completed before Xur wanders into the Tower. Prison of EldersThe Prison of Elders is a great place to get yourself some additional Strange Coins, although we can’t give you an exact amount.

We seem to get between four and six each time we run through this activity. That is on any level and without the use of a Treasure Key. This means that you can grind this activity out if you are in desperate need of getting some Strange Coins to buy that Exotic.Just remember that the Strange Coins come from the chests to the left and right after you’re done. You won’t get them until after the final boss fight when you return to the airlock and drop through the floor.As a final tip, make sure to load into each of your characters and drop all of your Strange Coins in the vault. This makes it easier for you to keep track of how many you have, and access them from one Guardian to another.If you want some additional help, be sure to visit out.

What Xur’s Currency Is in Destiny 2Destiny 2 is out and guardians everywhere are fighting hard to rebuild the legends that were torn down by Ghaul and his Red Legion. In order to get stronger, players are running through countless activities in the hopes of getting some amazing gear.

Veteran players know that once a week there’s a chance to get something really special, especially if you don’t have the best luck with RNG, and that chance is presented by Xur, Agent of Nine.He’s a bit different this time around. Instead of just appearing in public spaces, he’s actually going to appear randomly on any of the worlds. Also, you may have noticed that Strange Coins aren’t in the game either. So what could Xur possibly accept for his exotic wares? Legendary Shards.


You can get these by dismantling legendary and exotic weapons and armor (aesthetic items don’t give any up).We’re not sure of what the prices will be like when he finally shows up. But chances are that things will be expensive. So make sure to save up as many of these legendary shards as you possibly can. That way, when you finally do meet Xur in Destiny 2, you’re ready to leave with a ton of gifts.For more on Destiny 2, be sure to check out our.