
Victoria 2 Constitutional Monarchy


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Game-trade threads are not allowed. This includes games and expansions.Users may only make one self-promotional submission per week.All posts must have link flair. Hi there,I'm playing my first Victoria 2 game as an undemocratic regime and the opportunity has presented itself to become a semi-constitutional state.

But I was wondering how Prussian Constitutionalism compares to Absolute Monarchy, and if there is any point in making the switch. But with no elections, what is there to do while you wait for your infamy score to lower?If I stay as an absolute monarchy, what can I do to force through social reforms? I might have an evil, oppressive empire. But can it at least be an evil, oppressive empire with good healthcare?Thanks!. Absolute monarchy means your upper house consists of the ruling party (reactonary/conservative/liberal) only.

As reactonaries never want any new reforms and liberals will get rid of your absolute monarchy, you will have to fare with a conservative government and rely on high militancy, making the conservatives go for reforms. You can do this artificially, by declaring war on a asian/african minor and rejecting their call for peace after a few years, giving you war exhaustion and militancy. If I stay as an absolute monarchy, what can I do to force through social reforms? I might have an evil, oppressive empire. But can it at least be an evil, oppressive empire with good healthcare?Just let your militancy soar as high as v2 rocket can go, if your people are pissed enough your upper house will shit their pants and allow you to pass any reforms you want.

Constitutional monarchy victoria 2

Victoria Ii

For monarchies, the only difference is that there are elections with semi-constitutional or constitutional. However you can always change the ruling party at will, although that always causes a raise in militancy (which can be useful sometimes).If you want to be an absolute monarchy, and want to push social reforms first allow any kind of unions to be formed though laws (that law is political). Then, you will need socialist and communist in your parliament. You will need majority from the left, or have high enough militancy for other members to support the left.

Victoria 2 Constitutional Monarchy Event

It also works with no socialists at all, but you need an alarming high militancy.I think a having a well educated population also usually wants this kind of reforms. I always see pops taking social issues the more they become educated.