
Rainbow Six Terrorist Hunt


If you're a new player and fresh off of beating Article 5, you may find yourself choosing which difficulty to tackle first.It is recommended to play on easier difficulties to get a hang of the map's layout, the enemies you'll face, the damage received, and the operators.Harder difficulties has more suicide bombers, 2-3 rooms with explosive mines, higher enemy count, faster AI reaction speed, and higher damage received.Succeeding on harder excursions will also net you higher renown.Even if you're new, you may find yourself dying a lot on Hard to Realistic. It's all about learning on the fly and trying to test your reaction speed. On Terrorist Hunt Classic, not all enemies will be in the map once the match starts. After a certain number of them are killed, flankers (and maybe a bomber or two, depending if it's on Hard or Realistic) will spawn to surprise your position.-Defuse Bomb involve two bomb rooms, which will always be placed in specific parts of the map.

Learn the location well, as it may be in the same spot once you play the map and its corresponding gamemode again.Once the defuser begins it countdown, any enemy not yet killed in the map will rush towards it. Oh, and new enemies will spawn too. On harder difficulties, some of them may also guard the second bomb room.If your operator has a claymore, be sure to plant it at potential spots where enemies may enter. Claymores can be replenished at the ammo pack, which is always in the bomb room. There is no limit to how many you can plant other than your teammates' limited patience.As defusing enemies can be stunned with concussion, flash, or the slight bulletfire, be sure to utilize your operator's gadget to their potential.

Sometimes it's better to try and stun them rather than try to kill everything that comes into the bomb room.If you hate getting matchmade into Article 5 (Bartlett University's yellow gas variation), then you can opt out of the Defuse Bomb gamemode by going into 'Settings' and toggle the mode within 'Gameplay.' You'll also be robbing yourself of playing Defuse Bomb on other maps on harder difficulties, but it's also a worthy sacrifice.-Much like Defuse Bomb, Extract Hostage will have a hostage in heavily reinforced rooms. What kind of reinforcements? Barbed wire, random C4 placements, a lot of enemies around the area, and reinforced walls.Once you spawn, you may notice a huge red flare at your spawnpoint. After you picked up the hostage, you'll also find out that your spawnpoint is now the evac area! This doesn't happen every time you spawn, but it does help to tell where the hostage may be. Some flares will signify that the hostage may be across the map rather than a bit close.

You can use this hint to your advantage as the hostage can quickly be rescued and taken to the evac. Be wary though, as any unkilled enemies will close into the evac point!-Extract Hostage and Terrorist Hunt Classic are the shortest and possibly quickest gamemodes to beat - if your team is good enough. While rage quitting may seem tempting, you'll be robbing your own time and renown out if the match ends up getting beaten 30 seconds after you left.-And across all non-Protect Hostage gamemodes on Hard and Realistic, there will always be C4 mine rooms. C4 mines explode when you get too close to it, but can be destroyed with: bullets, explosions, Thatcher's EMP, and a knife. Much like bombers, you can hear the C4 mine's distinct beeping sound, which sometimes get drowned out in the ensuing gunfight.There will also be several rooms with 1-2 C4 mines. Sometimes on repeated playthroughs, the mine is on the same location (ex. On a lamp in a trophy room, only if there is a baddie in there).In Protect Hostage, the gameplay significantly changes for you, as you may be accustomed to just running around the map and killing dudes.

Much like an actual PvP match, it helps to know where the enemies will spawn depending on where your hostage room is. Furthermore, don't box yourself into that small hostage room.

On Normal, everyone can freely roam around and spawncamp the unfortunate jerks, but on harder difficulties, there will be more waves (Hard: 5, Realistic: 6) with harder hitting opponents and more enemies and variety per wave.Longer play modes like Defuse Bomb and Protect Hostage will reward more renown compared to TH Classic and Extract Hostage. AmbusherWielding a shotgun or an assault rifle, they can set up deployable shields and hide behind it. Most of the time, they would throw a flashbang mid-conflict.RoamerThe most unsuspecting enemy, these guys can seek out Operators at any time. They can also spawn when the enemy counter hits a certain number.They're mostly armed with assault rifles, breach charges, and smoke grenades.EngineerAs the name implies, their defender variant have the most equipment ranging from reinforced walls, barbed wire, and C4 mines. For attacker variant, they spawn with a ballistic shield, Thermite's breach charge, and smoke grenades.On Defuse Bomb, once the first bomb is defused, remaining Engineers will head toward the second bomb site and/or reinforced their current position (ie. Set up barbed wire and reinforced walls).BomberWith a suicide vest, they're the most lethal enemy in this gamemode.

Like Roamers, they actively patrol around the map, chase after Operators upon discovery, and also spawn outside after the enemy counter reaches a threshold.They're only armed with an LMG and rush at you firing it. Don't let its lack of equipment lower your guard, as its explosive suicide vest can bring an Operator's health very low, DBNO, or death. It depends upon your Operator's armor quality and how close you were to the explosion. Bombers may also explode early when fired upon too.Bombers can easily be identified by their heavy breathing, though their noise sometime get drowned out by various other sounds (gunfire, explosions, NPC vocals).While you can disable their vest with Thatcher's EMP or stun them with a flash/concussion, headshots are recommended to take them down quick. Let's face it. You will most likely encounter a jerk or two. Even more so given that a lot of people see Terrorist Hunt as just a training ground for PvP and give it a pass for their negative behavior.


Sit back, relax, and hope that guy doesn't shoot you in the back.Sometimes you will encounter a toxic player, who may also be accompanyed by another. This is because they can bypass votekicking from the other three players and to cause more trouble for you and your two other teammates.As Ubisoft only saves text chat in their datalog, clips.twitch.tv They're cliche, obvious, and use the usual dumb humor to get a laugh out of themselves.It's best to utilize the Report Toxicity button and move on with your day. You'll always encounter a negative person in your life, but as the definition of toxicity describes, will you let that negativity ruin your day or will you show it whose boss? As Ubisoft is more focused on PvP, there are some operators whose abilities don't work in PvE. They are:. Dokkaebi (enemies don't have phones). Nokk (enemies don't use cameras).

Caveira (enemies can only be killed, not downed for an interrogation). Vigil (enemies don't use drones).

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Mozzie (same as above)There will also be operators whose abilities cannot work too well, and you're most likely better off not picking them. They are:. Jackal (you can only scan the bomber's footprints, but it hardly comes up as there are only 2-4 of them who can easily be taken out and are always close by if scanned). Echo (stakes are lower and depending on difficulty, it's easier to pick someone else to spawnpeek rather than controlling the Yokai all day.

Rainbow Six Terrorist Hunt Defense

Enemies can also destroy your Yokais (even if it's invisible) and it won't replenish)For anyone else, you're good to go. You can still choose those operators mentioned above based on their weapons, but you'll also essentially become a bit useless to the team on harder difficulties.Depending on your playstyle, or lack thereof, it's best to experiment with different operators, their abilities, their weapons, and their gadget loadouts.I cannot recommend anyone since you know your playstyle the best, and it factors into what you want to put the fight against the terrorists. Do you want to blind them? Make them explode? Protect your teammates?

There are so many different playstyles, it's best to know which operator description suits you best.For operators I typically pick. Attack. Zofia for her concussion grenades, which works like a flashbang effect on enemies. Twitch so I could use her drone to disable C4 mines and interrupt enemies trying to destroy the defuser. Fuze because I like blowing things up. He can defend the defuser with his cluster grenades.

Ash for quickly rushing the hostage rooms on Normal. IQ for her 552 Commando and bum rushing if Ash is taken. Her gadget detects electronics such as C4 mines, bombers, and the objective bombs. Lion for his scanner that can pinpoint terrorists.

This is useful if you need to find the last 1-3 baddies. Gridlock as her trax stingers damages/slow down enemies. Useful for defending the defuser and slowing down those pesky flankers (namely Bombers).

Defense. Rook because support defenders are essential on harder difficulties. His armor pack has: 20% damage resistance and a guarantee Down But Not Out state (exceptions on headshots and explosions). The armor bonus goes away after a DBNO and can be replenished if there is any more armor left, but it won't guarantee another DBNO. Valkyrie so I can tell where enemies are coming in (hold X to do a callout when white masks appear on the cam), as teammates typically love to spawnpeek.

I recommend throwing her cameras outdoors facing the hostage room's windows and any other spots where terrorists usually breach into. Mute for his jammers on destructible walls (these are the walls that can be reinforced and shot through). His jammers can disable any potential breaches and the bomber. Tachanka. In the right spot, his turret can chew through terrorists like a fish in a barrel.

It helps if you're familiar where the terrorists' routes are. He's better on harder difficulties and the only time the terrorists would destroy his turret's shield is on Realistic. Doc. He heals people.Some of the operators in my personal list work well on easier difficulties, but not so much as the damage received ramps up.


I would shy away from using light armor ops on Realistic while also avoid using certain operators, like Valkyrie, as enemies would love to breach walls and quickly damage your teammates.

Many people on the have voiced their disappointment as they thought the Terrorist Hunt mode could be playable without an internet connection.As noted by PixelDynamo, an Ubisoft representative actually stated Rainbow Six Siege’s Terrorist Hunt mode would be available offline. He said: “ The game supports solo play when playing Terrorist Hunt offline & online and we will provide further details on single-player content in the near future”Rainbow Six Siege is kind of like Star Wars Battlefront in a lot of ways. There are some (I do mean some) offline modes but you are missing out on a lot of modes if you don’t have an internet connection. Both games have more modes and content if you connect online.As of right now, no Ubisoft representative has spoken out as to why Terrorist Hunt mode is online only now after claiming it was available offline just three months ago. They could patch it in to make it available offline if many players demand the change. We’ll just have to wait and see.