
How To Use Gibbed Borderlands 2 Pc


Borderlands 2 Save Editor Weapon CodesI will be compiling a list of weapon codes here in the paste code format.To use pastecode or extract:This is how to extract the code for weapons like BL2(B3gvqgprtICUCbFUsaqcfKkbn9KI2tV46DZk7iEASzo=) which can be used in the paste code button.Right click the weapon/item and choose copy code.


Gibbed Borderlands 2 Codes


I am looking throug h these comments and seeing people having the same issue with the “reencode Mismatch” and I have tried the fixes you have mentioned but I still have the issue. I can create my own save file and give that whatever I want and then use it but after I save and quit the game to edit it some more, I get the error message. I do not know how to fix this. I have the latest release, I have completely removed the editor and reinstalled it and that didn’t work. I have my Borderlands 2 on pc updated to the most recent patch and I still get the error.