
Gd Stash Import Database

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  1. Gd Stash Item Database

I've not played a gunner Inquisitor yet, so keep that in mind.The explosive strike thing seems valuable, simply because it adds aoe.The frost thing might only be worth one point if you don't have supported damage types, but the freeze might come in handy.The shotgun thing could be useful for some devotions, but I'm not entirely sure how powerful it actually is.Censure is amazing if you can abuse it properly, but you'd only be using it for the resist reduction, so it's only useful if you're dealing elemental damage. There's a legendary helmet that increases the radius to 11-odd meters, so that might be useful for ranged characters. Conviction is an excellent aura, and probably going to be your go-to if you don't want to rely on Censure, or don't deal elemental damage at all. Solider if you never want to dieAnything else if you want higher DPS. Necro will let you smash stuff with bones and has pet options if you wan to go that way.

Gd Stash Item Database

Work to Kraken quickly, it's pretty easy (5 green and 5 blue can be achieved with 6 devotion points even if the constellations are suboptimal), from there it depends on if you want to focus bleed/vit or thunder/shock for devotions after that. Turtle is good for survivability early on but drops off in ultimate where you'll care more about resistances than flat damage prevention.if you're going glass cannon you'll absolutely want the lifesteal, that being said, you can get lots of easy lifesteal through devotions, Ghoul, Bat, and now Toad should give plenty. You don't need to stack your lifesteal very high since you're aiming to get your DPS in the several tens of thousands lategame. Inquisitor Seal+Blast Shield should be absurd for survivability though, I've only got one point in seal, its mutator and modifier so far and I pretty much stop taking damage while inside it at lvl 33.