
Bully Scholarship Edition Cheat Codes


First, it has to be inside the school and if you have any type issues with the little kids or the girls, you can beat them up any time you want without getting caught. Second, you need to either pick up stairs or down stairs and after you do, make sure all the lockers are unlocked or else the trick won't work. Wait until a prefect target goes next to a locker and grab him quick and put him in there and run to a trash can and hide. Another prefect should come to the trash also either you say something bad to him and run to the locker and hide a little bit and put him in there or just put him in the trash. After two prefects you should be good and when you see someone you hate like the little kids BEAT THEM UP! Or the girl you made out with and cheated on you then BEAT HER UP ALSO.

Bully Scholarship Edition Cheat Codes

Hope that helps. First, go to the nerd hideout if you unlocked it.Go next to the Shop owner jump at him. He'll getmad and start pushing you. Then, jump at him againand he'll start hitting you and trying to tackleyou. Run to the basement where the nerds are. Fat Comic man hit you, and the nerd willdefend you. If you get lucky, the nerds will knockhim out, and you didn't even throw a punch.

Bully Scholarship Edition Cheat CodesEdition

Bully Scholarship Edition Pc Cheats Codes And Trainer

If youjump at him and run away, but he just glitches upand stands still,go up to the cash register and press Z, but DON'TBUY ANYTHING! Get out of the cash register windowand do it again, it should work.Remember: NEVERHIT THE STORE OWNER! Let the nerds do that.